Life Coach Jobs

Life Coach Jobs - Would you want to consider a career in life coaching? Well it may not be a lucrative job but the thing is it will definitely give you job satisfaction, especially when you are able to see your clients excel and reach their targets, goals or ambitions, the goals which you have helped them set and the targets which you have helped them track.

There are many different types of life coaching jobs available out there actually. For example, if you are the religious sort, you might decide to take up Christian life coaching. Of course there are other types of spiritual life coaching jobs available that you can choose from. I guess most of the religious life coaches actually are Christian life coaches but that would not stop you from being a religious life coach if you are actually from another religion. I guess there are just more Christians who believe in spiritual life coaching and therefore engage a Christian life coach to help them achieve their spiritual goals.

What about getting some training and becoming a NLP life coach? NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is actually a controversial approach to psychotherapy and organizational change. Actually I am not very knowledgeable in this subject so I cannot really explain it well here. However I do know that it is based on a system of alternative therapy and it seeks to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication. In addition, the purpose of NLP is to change a person’s patterns of mental and emotional behaviour through successful patterns of behaviour and subjective experiences such as patterns of thought. If you do decide to do NLP life coaching, you would really need to be certified by the NLP practitioners before you go be a NLP life coach.

Nevertheless, there are many other life coaching schools that will be able to impact to you the necessary skills to be an effective life coach should you decide to take up a life coach job. With all the skills you get trained in in a life coaching school, you can even call yourself a life skills coach. There are many life coaching tools available to train a person to become a life coach. You can also put it another way that these life coaching tools are for your client. Whatever you learn will definitely benefit both coach and client. If you are staying in the United Kingdom, you would be happy to know that there is quite a good support there for those who plan to take up life coaching as a job. Just do a search on life coach uk and you would realize that there are many life coaching resources online for those staying and living in the uk.

That may lead you to think of just getting a crash course online to get yourself ready for a life coaching job. I would think that online life coaching courses do not really help you out that much. What about certification or accreditation? Some online life coaching do not come with such results. Nevertheless, I would propose that you do some reading first before you decide whether to take up such a book. Today’s recommended read is titled Character Makeover: 40 Days with a Life Coach to Create the Best You by Katie Brazelton and Shelley Leith.

Character Makeover: 40 Days with a Life Coach to Create the Best Youlife coaching

At the time of writing this post, this great bestselling book has had a total of 47 reviews which were all either 5 stars or 4 stars. 41 of the reviews gave the book 5 stars while the other 6 gave it 4 stars. First of all, this book is meant more for the ladies, but if you are male, you can still make use of this book and nobody is stopping you from reading it. The authors have given this book a personal touch by focusing on their own personal stories on life. Both Katie Brazelton and co-author Shelley Leith have the intention of inviting you to join them on a spiritual journey by reading this book of theirs. When reading this book, you may find that your insecurites would be exposed and you would also find out how to deal with them.

The book has been designed more to be used as a tool and resource for women's small groups. However the personal stories add a special touch to the book and give the reader a more welcome and cosy feeling. In addition, this book is packed full of downloadable mini-talks, self-assessments, and questions for group discussion along with an Internet blog with access to the authors.

Unfortunately, do also note that the book is pretty challenging and is not to be read like a story book. If you are serious in changing yourself, you would need to actively engage yourself with the activities provided in the book, such as filling out journal entries, charts and self-evaluation checklists. It is a lot of work and the questions are not easy. You would have to be honest with yourself when doing these activities. the questions are not easy ones. I know not many people would have the time or discipline to sit down and get engaged in the activities of this life coaching book, so some may end up giving up. So if you cannot stick with this 40 day program, it is time that you really engage a life coach to improve and get a heads start in life. After you experience it for yourself, then you may decide to get a life coach job.

Life Coach Jobs


Samual James said...

Hey, its really nice to read about your experiences in all the training my opinion every professional working in this corporate world should go through some kind of nlp training so that they can perform well when they have to interact with other people especially clients.
"Life Coaching Training

Raizu said...

Today I am working and analyzing the pros and cons of life and career coaching. During my work I just go though your post which is really interesting and encouraging for learners. I also feel some time trainings are harder than me too. But it couldn't stop me. Such I kind of points I took form .

Unknown said...

Great post related to Life Coaching New York.Life coaching is a practice that helps people identify and achieve personal goals. Life coaches help clients set and reach goals using a variety of tools and techniques. Life coaches are neither therapists nor consultants; psychological intervention and business analysis are outside the scope of their work.